
  • Number:
  • Year Started Roller Derby:

Bek was around Austin when fliers went up at room 710 during the great derby-reinception in 2001, but life got in the way and she didn’t throw on skates until 2011. She started her love relationship with derby in 2012 skating for HARD in Corpus Christi under the name Star*Bellied Snatch. She left derby for most of 2013 to volunteer in Africa, but jumped right back in upon her return, joining TXRGs WreckLeague. An injury at the end of 2014 almost sidelined Bek for a year – but instead she started officiating as a Ref for TXRG in early 2015, and changed her name to Bek*Off. At the end of 2015, with the encouragement and backing of fellow skaters, she dove back into contact by trying out for TFR. Bek loves all aspects of derby and is stoked to skate for such an amazing, cohesive, supportive team. She feels super lucky to be able to call herself RAD.

Photo courtesy of the amazing Michele J. Hale

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