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I am M0stly Harmless. I’ve been skating in streets and rinks since I was a wee tot in Houson – my father was a street skater in the 80s and 90s with the Urban Animals. I saw derby pretty soon after it’s modern inception but had no idea how to conceptualize what it was, fast forward a few years and I’m living in a log cabin in the deep woods of an Indiana art community looking for adventure and roller derby finds me through the Bleeding Heartland Roller Derby league in 2008. My first full derby season was 2009 and I’ve never looked back. We’ve all come a long way since then with strength and strategy, happy to continue evolving with this sport and cross-training to discover new challenges. Next on the bill is women’s rugby to cross-train in the “off” season.

Photo courtesy of the amazing Roy Moore of Control Images

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