
  • Number:
    121 (GW)
  • Year Started Roller Derby:

MegaHurtz/I was formerly dubbed “a rink rat” meaning I spent my Fridays, Saturdays and some Sundays at the local skating rink beginning in middle school. You couldn’t get me off of my roller skates. I have lived a good portion of my life on 8 wheels. However, it wasn’t until 2015, after YEARS of spectating derby that I finally took the plunge and joined Rockin’ City Rollergirls. It was a little weird at first…they made me put in “toe stops”! HA! I was with Rockin’ City for a year and a half, one broken wrist and one baby later. I first tried out for TFR in 2015, but turned out that 2016 had other things planned (my 2nd born). I spent most of 2016/2017 in my “pinks” aka as an NSO (non-skating official) for Texas Rollergirls. I have graciously accepted the Head NSO position for 2018. I am SO excited to finally don the lime green jersey and SKATE with some amazing folks beginning in 2018. TFR, PROUD TO BE RAD!

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